
Rangkaian Komunikasi Serial Max232
Rangkaian Komunikasi Serial Max232

In this How To, we'll simply turn on and then turn off a LED. You can control LEDs, fans, relays and solenoids, to name a few. With a MAX232 IC you can easily connect your PIC microcontroller to your PC. It is a dual driver/receiver and typically converts the RX, TX, CTS and RTS signals from/to the PC's serial port (which can reach up to 25 v) from/to TTL levels (5 v). Maxim Integrated Products created the MAX232 IC in 1987. If you want to put the circuit on a breadboard, you'll need a breadboard and some jumper wires.A computer with serial port interface/ a serial to USB cable.

Rangkaian Komunikasi Serial Max232

A computer with Microchip's MPLAB X IDE, with XC8 v1.34 compiler installed.This is one simple way to control a LED, fan, relay or solenoid with a computer and a PIC.

Rangkaian Komunikasi Serial Max232